Local Pedestrian Barricade Rentals
Keeping people in line and away from important off-limits areas is an important part of managing foot traffic, and Tucson Fence Rentals can supply your special events with the temporary fencing solution you need to keep it under control.
Whether you’re organizing a music festival, sporting event, or any other large gathering, managing foot traffic with crowd control fencing is crucial to ensuring the safety and security of all attendees. Tucson Fence Rentals provides a wide range of temporary fencing options that can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Crowd Control Barricade Rentals
Crowd control barricades are essential tools for managing large gatherings and events. Whether you are organizing a music festival, sporting event, or parade having the right crowd control barriers in place can help ensure the safety and security of both attendees and participants.
The team at Tucson Fence Rentals offers various types of barricade rentals for crowd control purposes. We stock Jersey barriers, pedestrian fencing, and other, more high-security options depending on your needs.
Call Us for Heavy Duty Barricade Rentals
If you need a temporary fence, Tucson Fence Rentals is the best place to call. Our team keeps several types of fencing in stock and well-maintained at all times, ensuring that our clients have exactly what they need exactly when they need it. With our help, you can keep your focus on your event.
What Type of Fence Do You Need?
Not every fencing product works for every situation. A fence that works great in the short term may not stand up to months of use. We stock the following types of fences, which come with varying levels of security.
- Red welded wire fencing
- White wire fencing
- White lattice fencing
- White picket fencing
- Pedestrian Fencing/Railing
- Jersey Barriers
- HDPE Safety Netting
Not sure which would be the best fence for your needs? Feel free to ask. With our rental fence expertise in your corner, you can rest assured you’re getting the best, most affordable fencing options for your fencing project.
Looking for “Barricade Rentals Near Me?”
Your search is over. When it comes to temporary fence panels, Tucson Fence Rentals is the only team you need to call. We handle everything from maintenance and upkeep to setup and teardown. By keeping all these different services with one company, you can keep your costs low with the additional convenience of having someone else handle the upkeep.
Tucson Fence Rentals is your source for temporary fence rentals in and around Tucson AZ. We have a fence type to suit every situation, whether it’s a two-day event or a long-term security situation. With no minimum or maximum limits on rental duration or quantity, you can rest assured you’ll get exactly what you need. Give us a call to get started!